

What Color is Lava?

A volcano's temperature depends on what it's doing. Most volcanoes are inactive most of the time, and aren't any warmer than other mountains. When a volcano erupts, the temperature of its lava and/or ash depends a lot on its chemistry. The most common type of lava - called basalts - usually have temperatures of about 1150°c-1200°c. Rocks that contain more silica are cooler: 790°c-990°c. As lavas cool their colors change. Lavas have different colors at different temperatures:


1150 - 1350 degrees C


1000 - 1150 degrees C

Bright red

800 - 1000 degrees C

Dark red

 650 - 800 degrees C

Brownish red

 500 - 650 degrees C

Satellite photo of Mt. Etna in Italy

Mt St. Helens before the top blew off.


Go to the web site below for more information about lava.