
From Compton's Interactive Encyclopedia © 1999 The Learning Company, Inc.
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Along with snakes, lizards, and crocodiles, turtles belong to the class of animals called reptiles. The earliest fossils recognized as turtles date from the Triassic period, about 200 million years ago; thus, turtles were in existence prior to the emergence of the great dinosaur groups. Turtles have changed little in appearance since that time.

World Distribution

About 250 species of turtle are found throughout the temperate and tropical regions of the world, including the major seas. In contrast to other reptiles, whose populations are confined largely to the tropics, turtles are most abundant in southeastern North America and southeastern Asia. They live in lakes, ponds, salt marshes, rivers, forests, and even deserts.



The size of turtles varies. Bog or mud turtles grow no larger than about 4 inches long. The sea-roving leatherback turtle, however, may be as much as 8 feet in length and weigh 1,200 pounds. Alligator snappers of the southeastern United States reach weights of more than 110 pounds. They are among the largest freshwater turtles. Land-dwelling species are often called tortoises. In the United States some edible turtles are called terrapins.


Turtles have protective shells. The upper, arched part is called the carapace; the flat bottom part is the plastron. Some species, such as the box turtle, can withdraw the head, legs, and tail and tightly close the hinged front and back halves of the plastron for protection. The snapping turtle, however, has a small plastron that does not cover its underside. Powerful jaws and claws are the snapping turtle's best defense against enemies. Sea turtles also are unable to retreat completely inside their shells. Side-necked turtles have necks that are too long to tuck into their shells. Hence, the neck folds sideways along the inner edge.

The carapace is made of backbone and ribs joined together with plates of bone. The plastron is fused with the breastbone. In hard-shell turtles the bone is covered with horny shields. The markings and colors of these shields vary with the type of turtle. The hawksbill sea turtle yields most of the tortoise shell from which ornamental articles such as combs and brush handles were once made. Soft-shell turtles have a layer of tough skin that covers the bony shell and looks like a leathery pancake.


Turtles have keen eyesight and well-developed senses of smell and taste. They have no external ear openings, so they do not hear well. Most turtles make no sounds other than a hiss when they become alarmed.


The gopher tortoise with its unwebbed, stumpy feet, is an accomplished digger. Burrows that may extend 35 feet underground provide the turtle-and other animals-with relief from extreme heat or cold. The gopher tortoise may share its home with, among other guests, mice, gopher frogs, insects, burrowing owls, opossums, or diamondback rattlesnakes. The burrow is often mistakenly attributed to an actual gopher.
C.M. Perrins/Oxford Scientific Films

Legs and Feet

Terrapins differ from the sea turtles in that their legs are not modified into paddles but instead have webbing and claws.

The legs and feet of most turtles are adapted for walking on land, and the webbing between their toes helps them swim. Their toes have claws. Like elephants, tortoises have column-shaped legs that support their large bodies on land. Sea turtles have flippers for front feet.


Temperate zone turtles retreat to the bottom of lakes and streams or bury themselves in the soil during cold periods. They can raise their body temperature, however, by basking in direct sunlight. All turtles breathe with lungs, but some species can respire through certain tissues of the throat, skin, and anal region while under water. Some can go for long periods without breathing air directly.

Eating Habits

Turtles have no teeth. They use their sharp beaks to tear food into pieces that are then swallowed whole. Turtles eat living or dead plant and animal matter, but some turtles are specialized feeders. Some river turtles feed on clams and mussels. Jellyfish form a major portion of the diet of the leatherback turtle. Many tortoises eat only living plants. Turtles can store food in the form of fat, and they store water in specialized bladders.


All turtles go ashore to lay eggs. A nesting female digs a hole with her hind feet and drops the eggs into it. After covering the opening and packing down the soil, she departs from the nest immediately. She neither cares for the eggs nor nurtures the young. The eggs are white and vary in shape from oblong to round, depending on the species. The mud and musk turtles lay oblong eggs that are less than 1 inch long with a rigid shell composed of calcium carbonate, similar to a bird's egg. The shells of most other species, however, are leathery and tough. The large, round eggs laid by sea turtles and tortoises are more than 2 inches in diameter. For most species, the temperature at which an egg incubates determines the sex of the hatchling. Higher temperatures generally produce a female, while cooler temperatures produce a male.

While the shells of other turtles have a horny outer layer, those of the 21 species of soft-shelled turtles are covered by a leathery skin. Their beaks, too, sport a pair of fleshy lips that belie the strength and speed of their jaws. All species of soft-shelled turtles are aquatic. They swim powerfully with paddlelike legs, pushing their tubular noses out of the water for air. Soft-shelled turtles are native to Asia, Africa, and North America.
Dorling Kindersley

  The incubation period for some turtle eggs is less than 45 days. For others it is more than 100 days. Some turtles produce only one or two eggs per clutch, but sea turtles may lay more than 100 eggs at a time. The incubation period for some turtle eggs is less than 45 days. For others it is more than 100 days. Some turtles produce only one or two eggs per clutch, but sea turtles may lay more than 100 eggs at a time.

Life Expectancy

Turtles reach maturity in about 3 to 8 years or more. The females of some species may become twice as large as the males. Turtles live longer than most other animals, but reports of turtles living more than a century are questionable. Several kinds, however, have lived more than 50 years in captivity. Even in natural environments, box turtles and slider turtles can reach ages of 20 to 30 years. The ages of some turtles can be estimated by counting the growth rings that form each year on the external bony plates of the shell.

Some turtles are popular as pets, but the sale of small ones has been made illegal in the United States.

Turtle eggs and meat are eaten in many regions of the world. In the United States certain species are harvested for sale to restaurants. Collecting and harvesting have greatly reduced the numbers of many native species such as the snapping turtle. Aquatic turtles are useful scavengers in both natural and man-made lakes. Many turtle species, such as most tortoises and sea turtles, have been placed on lists of threatened and endangered species.